Friday, January 9, 2009

Is it me or is this messed up?

I was looking at all the RUSSIAN themed clothes today.
Like me, I get shocked easily. Did it occur to anyone else that their advertising all this FUR! AAAH animal cruelty. The one thing i CANT handle.

I cant believe stardoll could do such a thing. Their normally pretty good with the whole "Earth" theme and stuff, but this, well this is just so wrong. I could post photos of animals being harmed for clothes, but that would make me cry. So lets say this is a bad stuff from stardoll and hope they will realise what their doing is pretty discraseful.

xx bonnied1995 "the designer"


Anonymous said...

um.. its russia they wear fur... i mean dont be so racist.. its what they do... its not real fur coz its online chill out.. russians love to wear fur .. god stop complaining

candychocoblock said...

Heard of an Opinion?
Guess not.

Rox Royce said...

That's really not racist if you ask me, and although it is online it is basically an epic fault of Stardoll. I mean, there are a lot of little girls out there, some have not even reached the age of seven yet, and if they like that stuff and have the money they might one day buy it. I as a veggie have a special opinion about fur anyways, even if it is fake fur, but what I wanna say is Stardoll simply made a huge mistake. It's going down all the way (just think about the poll incident, then the SD shop selling bras, always copying one and the same cloth and giving it a makeover to make it a Hot Buys item...)
I usually put every new piece of clothing on. But this fur stuff is simply disgusting.


candychocoblock said... ;P

Anonymous said...

mm hey,
So im russian and im soja_dollz on stardoll.
I just wanted to say that No, it isnt racist but believe me honey,
if You lived in russia, you would wear fur too. Because , in the old times (like the collection) they didnt really have a choice.
Now in modern Russia less and less poeple wear real fur because its getting expensive.
so yeah..
Sophia xx

candychocoblock said...


Anonymous said...

i puck when i wear fur
hi pheebs-mc-pie
lond time none fur wearing
fur is wrong
they kill animals for 1 person comfort
my dad had a bear coat and it took 3 bears to make and cost him $500 dollars, good out cat has teeth, he sheded it
and then he brought uggs made of 2 sheep for $300
but he still has them
i get sick everytime he puts them on
so i dont like the new russia rocks brand

candychocoblock said...

Glad you'v gotten over it (:

Anyway yeah it is sickening..

Anonymous said...

yeah i was a riyal bitch
now i am being good

candychocoblock said...

Thats good.
lol (: