Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Woah guys im SO sorry i havn't posted in about a week, not even in my own blog! Again i have thses huge easter tests coming up... you see im going into seconary school next year so things are a little tight on my schedual /:
But im trying to make as much time as i can for this amazing blog (:

Now, i wanted to say something.

You should all know about the stardoll shop
'Antidote' by now.
Like L.E the stuff sold pretty fast.
But to my amazment,
theres still some left and it didnt get sold that quickly.
Im pretty suprised, as im a big fan of the stuff.

I did a survey to my friends on stardoll and asked

'Do you like Antidote better then L.E?'

67% = YES
23% = NO

Then how come L.E is always sold out quicker?
I know its more rare but its way more expensive.
Oppinions ???

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