Thursday, February 5, 2009

So little time. Life comes first.

Hey guys
Sorry I haven't posted in about a week, it's back to school, and yeah, its been hectic.
Basically, when I post, is when I'm free of anything else to do. Just to clear that up with y'all!
Busy busy Busy!
Ok.. well candychocoblock told me a couple of days ago that I could post on the new DKNY, but turns out she allready has.
So I'll just elaborate on it I guess:
I dont like the shoes much, but theres a lovely tan-ish pair.. called Slingbacks I think.
Clothes wise, their all SUPER expensive. Because I'm not in love with the whole collection, I think I might just wait until it gets to that %50 off sale thing. The only one i'm dying to buy is that one at the front, the yellow and black dress. And probably that sleevless jacket at the front.
ex oh.. Bonnied1995!

1 comment:

candychocoblock said...

I wanted YOU to post about the new DKNY!

But u didnt so I had to.