Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Advent Calendar started!

The Christmas Advent Calendar has started! You can get your FIRST gift today! Dont forget to check back for the rest of the month [Untill Christmas of course!] each day or else you might miss out [Not 100% sure on that]

Todays gift is some bells for 0sd! Some items you might have to pay for and some of them might be SuperStar only.

[ If you cant get to it here is the link:]

And iv noticed that its the old way you used to buy things! Like old times.....It has the picture of the purse and it has 'Buy' next to it when you can buy the item....I
Feels like a long time ago.....=D


Anonymous said...

Love you!! I searched and searched and couldn't find the link and then... YOU!!! Thanks so much! Merry Christmas!

candychocoblock said...

Its okay!
Lol no probs
Merry Christmas to you too =D