Saturday, May 16, 2009

So, sorry :O

Time just FLEW.
I havn't written anything and i feel SO bad about it.
Not even on my own blog, i mean ):
Its just...
I feel like I dont have time to post anyone, You know?
But i am wrong.
I miss this whole blogging thing...
I mean...
and we CANT shut this blog down.
Lets prove to Joanne how much we LOVE this blog Yepp?
Comment, PLEASE.
(Btw sorry about not having my header, im doing a new one )

1 comment:

Rox Royce said...

I SO agree with you. I am really missing it too, this was the first blog I started following and I cannot deny I would never ever regret it.
But what will you do to bring her back? I mean, has she even logged on Stardoll recently?

Yt, Rox Royce.